Wednesday 12 May 2010

Sweetcorn and Potatoes

I know the weather hasn't exactly been barbecue friendly, in fact it just hasn't been friendly full stop, but I still want to continue with my quest to give you 21 brilliant vegetarian barbecue recipes. So here is 'recipe' number 5 & 6. Well when I say recipe I mean, more simple things you can just add on to the barbecue, while everything else is cooking. Sweetcorn and potatoes.

Sweetcorn Cob

This is sooooooo good barbecued. Now there are two ways of doing this, so no meat juices get on the sweet corn. Either wrap each cob in foil, and then just place on the grill. OR make sure whoever is in charge of the barbecue, has left a space on the grill for the veggie food to go. The latter would be the better option, as having sweetcorn cooked by the smoke of the coal is delicious.


Sweet corn cobs
butter (optional)
salt and pepper for seasoning


Place the cobs on the barbecue, (wrapped or unwrapped). Once cooked, add butter and season to taste.
Sit back and enjoy.

Hot Potatoes


Sweet potatoes
salt and pepper


Wash the potatoes, wrap in foil, and add to the barbecue, from the beginning. Once cooked, unwrap and season with butter, and salt and pepper.

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