Wednesday 2 June 2010

Afternoon Tea

One of many things this country does do well, when it comes to food, is afternoon tea.

Carrying on from my previous post, even though I think diners in America are better than an American diner in the UK, I have to admit no-one does afternoon tea quite like the British.

I had my first experience of afternoon tea last year, funnily enough on my birthday. The American vegetarian and I decided to go to the New Forest and get away from London. We love our bike rides, and so on my birthday we hired two bikes and rode through the beautiful countryside in the New Forest. After petting the ponies, and watching the deer and wild horses we stumbled across a very fine hotel. It was a glorious sunny day, and we sat outside in the garden, where a wedding was occurring. We lucked out and had the pleasure of listening to a string quartet that was actually for the wedding party.

Afternoon tea was on the menu, and we ordered tea for two! When it arrived we saw two of everything; two mini chocolate eclairs, two mini cherry tarts, two mini gorgeous scrumptious sweet delights and scones with clotted cream. I was in mini cake heaven. Eating the cakes and sipping tasteful tea on a sunny day in the New Forest was amazing. I have a habit of eating fast, I don't know why, but I think it has something to do with making sure I get the food down me before I get full. I'm sure this isn't a good thing, but anyway on this particular day my eating habit didn't change and before I knew it I had eaten two tiers worth of mini cakes and the scone with jam and experiencing a sugar rush like never before.

The bike ride back was very speedy indeed. Afternoon tea is a wonderful thing!

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