It was so good that I made some more dough the following morning so I could have a marinara pizza for lunch. So here are the recipes for the pizza dough and the marinara topping. I got the thumbs up from the American Vegetarian and after abstaining from Italian food since we got back it was a wonderful reminder of the beauty of Italian food.
Pizza Dough (Makes one large pizza, enough for 2-3)
250grams of strong white flour.
1 tspn of dried active yeast (the one which you activate in water first.)
1 tbspn of extra virgin olive oil.
Good pinch of salt.
Small glass of warm water.
Activate the yeast in some warm water. Mix the flour with the salt and extra virgin olive oil. Then add the activated yeast and mix well. Slowly add the warm water until you have a dough. If you add too much water don't worry, just add some more flour until its not sticky and you have a nice dough. Need for around 5 mins. Whilst needing if the dough becomes sticky to your hand add some more flour or a small drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. This will prevent further sticking and also help with the needing process. Once you have a smooth dough, cover with a damp cloth and place somewhere warm for about one hour or until it has risen.
After a good hour take the dough, and on a well floured surface roll the dough out to the size you require.
Go to my post Italian Tomato Sauce, to see how I make my pizza sauce.
Once you have your sauce and base, try this simple and delightful marinara topping. I love this topping for a pizza as it has no cheese!
Marinara Topping
Dried oregano.
1 clove of garlic finely sliced.
Extra virgin olive oil.
After you have rolled out your pizza and topped it with the pizza sauce, sprinkle over the dried oregano, and add the sliced garlic. Cook in an pre heated oven (180 degrees Celsius) for 15 mins or until pizza is cooked. Once done drizzle with extra virgin olive oil. Enjoy.